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Test over Week 2


Bring is to take as
a. apana it to apamuna

b. apamuna is to apana

Answer: b. apamuna is to apana


Choose the best suffix to complete sentence:  ”Until another year."  Shuk wata____.







Correct Answer: -gama

Kai allpa _______.   Select the correct word to complete the sentence "This land is ours." Points:2

a. ñukanchijmi
b. ñukanchiyuj
c. ñukanchi
d. charij



“ushushiyuk” means     Points:2

a. someone who has a daughter
b. with her daughter
c. daughterless
d. from her daughter


Select the correct word to complete the sentence "Your (singular) house is burning" in Kichwa  Points:2

______ wasi rupawn.  


a. Kan
b. Kamba
c. Kanbaj
d. Kangunak


Select the best translation for: "Yura illak pambai."  Points:2

a. On a tree covered plain.
b. At a treeless place.
c. Up in a tree.
d. A tree owner's place.


Choose the best translation of the sentence "Ñukara ama rimanguichu."   Points:

a. Don’t speak to me.
b. I speak to you.
c. I hear them speaking.
d. They talk about me.

e. You don’t speak about me.





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