Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Ritual songs
Clara Santi, Gau Sikuanga
I will to sing to the Toucan
Now I am the GauToucan’s Wife
Yes, I am the Tucan’s Woman
I am the Gau Toucan’s Woman
From a distant community
Inside the mountain it looks green
I am standing inside the mountain
The Gau Toucan cries out
When he stands on the high branch
Looking out at each mountain
When he sings I will cry out [answering him]
“[I am] Your Santi Spirit Woman”
.Just standing I stand
While he stands there eating fruits
I am the woman who stands
Looking up,
Gau Tucan’s wife
Looking from the point of his beak
Looking at the point of his beak
He is the toucan who cries out
While looks at every person.
When he calls his woman
I am the woman who stands calling out (an answer).
Gaouuuu Toucan, Gaou Toucan
When he eats shiwa fruit rolling it in his beak.
I am the woman who is standing there
When he rolls a fruit in his beak and drops it while feeding
I am the woman who stands there eating that fruit, savoring it in my mouth.
From the top of the cliff on the banks of the Napo River
Where green wallis fruits spill from where he stands
I stand calling him
The woman who stands whistling
Santi spirit strength woman
I am the woman who stands smelling the beautifully liquefied drips from the fruit he eats
Gaou sikuanga, gaousikuanga!
When he eats shiwa fruits
When he stands crying out his call
I am the human woman who stands watching
When the GauTucan drips liquid from the point of his beak
I am the woman who stands showing don Tomas how to catch it saying “Just drink it”!
Sikuangatami kantangarauni
Kunaga gau sikuanga warmimi ani
Sikuanga warmi maani
Gaouuuu sikuanga warmi maani
Karu llaktamanda
Urkui Verdella rikurishka
Urkuimi shayaunimarilla
Gaouuu sikuangalla kaparisha
Pay auyaramai shayarisha
Karan urkumanrikushalla
Kaparisha pai kantaushkai…………………
Kanbak Santi warmi supaiga
Shayaunilla shayaunimi
Paimi muyuta mikusha shayaushkai
Shayak warmi maňarin
Jawaman rikusha
Gausikuanga warmiga
Pay kirupundai rikusha
Paiwakiru pundata rikusha
Paiga sikuanga kaparisha
Pay karan runama rikusha
Paibak warmita kayaushkai
Ñuka kaparisha shayakwarmi maňarin……….
Gauuusikuanga, GauSikuanga
Pai muyuta chiwi muyuta amulisha
Pay muyu mikushka muyuta amulish
pai ichachijpi
Amulisha chi muyutamikushashayakwarmimay(ň)arin……………………………
Napo yaku urkupundai…………………………
Gausikuanga ma ňarin
Llullu ruya walisllata llirishkai
Paibaupishutaasumac yakuyasha
Muktishashayak warmimayarin..………
GauSikuanga, Gauusikuanga
Pay kaparishashayaushkai
Don Tomas apishaupinguillanishapaitarikuchisha
Ñuca cai susuvitucta cai ñawita ñuca avirishcata cantangarauni cuchai patai shayacta
//Susu Huituc Warmiga//
//Sisarisha shayauni//
Susu Huituc Warmiga
//Atun cucha pataibi//
//Sisarisha shayauni//
Atun cucha pataibi
//Susu Huituc Warmiga//
//Sisarisha shayauni//
Atun cucha pataibi
//Punda sisatagaya//
///Nina quindi upiguan///
//Washa parti ramata//
//Nina sicha upiwan//
Washa parti ramata
//Chaccha quindi upiwan//
// Washa allpa ramata//
quindi mari pasanmi
//upimunlla upiwan//
verde maripusami
allpa ramatagalla
upiwanlla upiwan
//Susu Huituc Warmita//
I will sing this susu wituc with which I have painted my face, the tree that stands on the shore of a lake.
//Susu Wituc Woman//
//I stand flowering//
Susu Wituc Woman
//On the shore of a large lake//
// I stand flowering//
On the shore of a great lake
//Susu Wituc Woman//
//I stand flowering//
On the shore of a great lake
//On the highest flowers//
///The fire humming bird drinks me///
//On the branches of the next part//
//The fire tanager drinks me//
The next part down
///The Chaccha hummingbird drinks me///
//Later on the lowest branch//
The humming bird butterfly
Just drinking back he drinks me
He drinks me, he drinks me
The green butterfly
On the lowest branch
He just drinks me, He drinks me
//Susu Wituc Woman//
I am going to sing about how, when the Napo River akangau ( Red-throated Caracara Ibycter americanus) called I the Toucan woman came.
///Napu River akangau///
When he called then I,
//a toucan from the headwaters//
//I came//
When the Napu akangau called
//I came//
//Now, abandoned in the vast flood plain//
I am not able to return
//On the Napo River floodplain//
//When the Napo akangau//
I came
Now, abandoned on this Napo River plain
I am not able to return.
Ñucaga napu yacumanda acangau cayachicpi Sicuanga warmi samusha cantangarauni.
//Napu yacu acangau///
Cayachipi mi yari
//Umamanda sicuanga//
//Shamurani mi yari//
Napu yacu acangau kayachipi mi yari
//Shamurani mi yari//
//Atun pamba icharic //
Tigranata gayari mana ushashachuya
//Napu yacu pambaibi//
//Napu yacu acangau//
kayachipi mi yari
Shamurani mi yari
Kunanga yakumanda Napu yacu pambaibi icharishaga yari
Tigranata gayari
mana ushashachuya
Turiculla turicu
Turiculla turicu
Riunimiya riunimi,
Ñucagaya ñucaga
Turiculla turicu
Riuniya riunimi
Ñucagaya ñucaga
Ñuca rishca washai
Canlla ricui shamupi,
Ñuca wasibigaya imatalla chiyi anga ,
Ñuca wasibigaya
Turiculla turicu
Canlla ricuishamupi
Millai quiwa pishculla,
Ñuca wasiibigaya tiangaya tianga,
Turiculla turicu
Riunimiya riunimi,
Cunangaya cunanga
Ñuca rigrawi iñawan
Riunimiya turicu
Riunimiya turicu
Ñuca wasiibigaya
Millai quiwa pishcullami
Ricuj shamunguiyari
Cunangaya cunanga
Sapimanda ricamurani tamiya
Ashca mansu sardinama
shamurani tamiya
Ashca mansu sardinama shamurani
Cunangaya cunanga
,Cunangaya cunanga,
Riunimiya riunimi
Turiculla turicu,
Turiculla turicu.
A song to sing when you go away leaving someone behind
Little brother, dear brother
Little brother, dear brother
I am leaving, now I am leaving
And I, and I
Little brother, dear brother
I am going now, I am going
And I now, and I
And after I am gone
When you come all alone to see
What is there at my house
My house
Little brother, dear brother
When you come alone to see
Just fierce weeds and birds
Will be there, will be there at my house
Little brother, dear brother
I am leaving now I am leaving
And now, now
They are growing on my arm
I am going now dear brother
I am going now dear brother
At my house now
Just fierce weeds and birds
Come and see
And now, and now
From the roots, I went back
Rain! dear brother!
I came back to many tame little fish…………
I came back to many tame little fish…………
And now, and now
And now, and now
I am going now, I am going
Little brother, dear brother
Little brother, dear brother
Waccha wawata waccha wawata piñanaun, waccha wawata waccha wawata piñanaun,miquiagunawash miquiagunawash piñanaun miquiagunawash miquiagunawash piñanaun , achigunawash achigunawash piñanaun achigunawash achigunawash piñanaun, waccha wawata waccha wawata piñanaun,achigunawash achigun awash piñanaun cunangai,cunangai, cunanga,llulu quillaibi llulu quillaibi riunimi llulu quillaibi llulu quillaibi riunimi, achigunawash achigunawash piñanaun,llulu quillaibi riunimi,miquiagunawash miquiagunawash piñanaun,waccha wawata waccha wawata piñanaun, waccha wawata piñanaun,achigunawash achigunawash piñanaun, achigunawash achigunawash piñanaun, llulu quillaibi llulu quillaibi riunimi, llulu quillaibi riunimi.
With the orphan child, with the orphan child they are getting angry
The aunts, the aunts are angry
The aunts, the aunts are angry
The uncles, the uncles are angry
The uncles, the uncles are angry
With the orphan child, with the orphan child they are angry
With the orphan child, with the orphan child they are angry
The uncles, the uncles are angry
So now, now, now
On the new moon,
on the new moon
I am going away
The uncles, the uncles are angry
On the new moon
I am going away
The aunts, the aunts are getting angry too
With the orphan child, with the orphan child they are angry
With the orphan child they are angry
The uncles,
the uncles getting angry
On the new moon,
on the new moon
I am going away
On the new moon I am going away
The orphan child is going away. (Waccha wawata cantana)
Now I am going to sing a song for singing when you are drunk
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
I stand chewing
I stand chewing
I stand chew, chew
I stand chew, chew
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
I stand chew, chew
I stand chew, chew
And after I am gone
And after I am gone
In every morete tree
Chewing, chewing I will stand
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
I stand making the fruits fall
I stand making the fruits fall
I stand chew, chew
I stand chew, chew
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
In every large morete tree
I stand chewing
I make the fruits fall
I make the fruits fall
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
In every large morete tree
I stand chewing
Morete Grub Woman
Morete Grub Woman
I make the fruits fall
I make the fruits fall
I stand all alone
I stand all alone
I make the fruits fall
Morete Grub Woman
Cunan cai cantangarauni nucaga mashti machashcai cantana
achuar curu warmigaya,
achuar curu warmiga
mucushami shayauni
mucushami shayauni
Mucu mucu shayauni,
mucu mucu shayauni
achuar curu warmigaya,
achuar curu warmiga,
mucu mucu shayauni,
mucu mucu shayauni
nuca rishca washaigaya
nuca rishca washaiga
caran muriti yuraibimi
Mucu mucu shayauni
Achuar curu warmiga
Achuar curu warmiga
ichachisha shayauniga
ichachisha shayauni
Mucu mucu shayaunigaya
Mucu mucu shayauni
achuar curu warmiga,
achuar curu warmiga
atun muritu yuraibiga
mucushami shayauni
ichachisha shayauniga,
ichachisha shayauni
achuar curu warmiga,
achuar curu warmiga
caran muriti yaraibimi
mucu mucu shayauniga,….
achuar curu warmiga,
achuar curu warmiga,
ichachisha shayauniga,
ichachisha shayauni
sapallami shayauniga,
sapallami shayauni
ichachisha shayauni
achuar curu warmiga .
They used to tell us, “ You sing in the garden saying I am not a human woman. “ When you arrive at the garden you sing like this:
And I, and I
I am not a runa (human) woman now, I am not now
And I, and I am not a runa (human) woman now, I am not now.
My name is Nungullu now
I am not a runa (human) woman now
Was it because you thought that I was just a human woman that you entered my garden?
I am not a human woman
I am this Nungui woman
I am this Nugui woman………….
I am this this Nungui Woman
And I am not a human woman
I am not a human woman now
I will see from far away
Do not enter my garden
You have no reason to enter
Do not enter you have no reason to enter
Do not enter. You have no reason to enter
I will dance on top of you. I will drink…
My amu (Nungui), My amu will drink your blood. My amu!
I am Nungui Woman
I am not a human woman
And I am not a human woman
I am Nungullu Woman………..
I am Nungui Woman
I am not a human woman
And I, there in the garden
So that you do not come
So that you do not think
Your blood will be drunk like the bark of the balsa tree
Will be drunk like the bark of the balsa tree
Now don’t come now
Now don’t come now
And I am not a human woman
I am not a human woman………
And I am a Nungui woman
I am a Nungui Woman
Mashti chagrai risha casna cantana nisha niganaura chagraibi pactashaga casna
Ñuca mana runa warmichu marani ya marani
Ñuca gagaya nucaga mana runa warmichu marani ya marani
Ñuca shutiga nungullu maraniya
Mana runa warmichu maraniya
Ñucaga runa warmi nishachu nuca chagrai yaicungui
Mana runa warmichu marani
Ñucaga cai nungui warmimi
Ñucagaya arani cai Nungui warmimi
Cai Nungui warmimi arani
Ñucaga mana runa warmichu
Mana runa warmichu araniya
Ñucaga carumanda ricusha
Ñuca chagraibiga ama yanga yaicunguichu
ama yanga yaicunguichu ya
ama yanga yaicunguicu ya
camba awai cajaya upingawa rauniya
Ñuca gamugayari camba yawartagaya nuca jamu gayari upingawa rauyari nuca amu gayari ……………………………
Nungui warmi arani ,
Mana runa warmichu arani
Ñucaga mana runa warmichu arani
Ñucaga nungullu warmi arani ,
Nungui warmi arani,
Mana runa warmichu arani
Ñucaga chaipi chagraibi ama
canga shamunata
ama yuyaringuichu
camba yawartagaya balsa carata jina upi tucungawaga
Balsa carata shina upi tucungawaga
Ama shamunguichu ya,
Ama shamunguichu ya ,
Mana runa warmichu nucagai arani,
Mana runa warmichu arani
Ñucaga Nungui warmi arani,
Nungui warmi arani.
At this sun
My dear mother
My dear mother
Please look.
Please look at this sun.
Now look at my mother.
From inside your womb,
From inside your womb
You brought me out
You brought me out
This sun
You saw
If you go leaving me behind
If you go leaving me behind
Your face is like that
Your face is like that
Every morning I see (you)
Every morning I see (you).
Your face is like that
When I look at the sun
I stand there remembering
My dear mother, my mother
My dear mother, my mother
1. Cai indi chu uyan,
2. Cai indindachu uyan
17. Camba nawita shina,
18. Camba nawita s
19. Tucui tutamanda ricuni,
20. Tucui tutamanda ricuni
21. Camba nawita shina
22. Indita ricusha
23. yuyarisha tiani
24. Mamitalla mamita
25. Mamitalla mamita.