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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Vernonanthura patens
Weedy Shrub
Weedy shrub or small tree that springs up ubiquitously in abandoned chagras (manioc gardens). The flowering of the llunchik in July marks the season called lunchij verano. Lunchij verano is the first appearance of the dry season. Following lunchij verano there will still be some heavy rains before the true dry season sets in during September and October. Because poles cut from lunchij sprout when planted they can be used as fence posts.
Talking about Llunchik
Luisa Cadena - Llunchik kugullu
Wawa derepente umami carachagan, shikshi tukun chi kay pangagunata apasha riki, llullu pangata takana an. Takashami ansa rupakyachina an, rupakyachisha sino kasna kakusha payllata yaku llugshin riki. Carachay churana uma ima wawa caracha. Karuyga isango nishka tian puka wawa chimi llutarin. Llutarikpi wawaga llakitami carachanga ña maypay llutarishkaga, chiga kayta ñukanchi kay kukullandami. Takasha chawanchi win uma, maybi carachaguna ashkay, ambimi pay llunchik kugullu. Chiwanmi ñukanchi ambina anchi

Vemonanthura Patens Flowering

Vemonanthura Patens Bark (with butterfly that lives with this species)
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