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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Saimiri sciureus
Squirrel monkey
Mono ardilla

Talkin About Barisa
Luisa Cadena - First Woman Sends Her Children Away to Become Animals
I am going to tell you what my grandmothers told me about the beginning times. My grandmother used to tell how the Tayag Woman took them (and transformed them). She was their mother. They say that she had children. The snail was her child, the crab was her child too. The wooly monkey was her child. The spider monkey was her child, and besides them the capuchin monkey was her child too. One of her children was the tortoise. The toucan was her little child too. They say that all the animals used to be her children. The white collared peccary were her children, all of them were here children. And then she said “Kids, come here.” Now you are all going to go to different places. "I am going to send you each to a different place.” When she said that her children all gathered together. She had prepared the (black) wituk paint beautifully. She prepared the white clay to paint them with and send them off. They say that her children came crying and said, "Mom where are you sending us? I am the one who knows where to send you. And when she had said that, since he was close by, they say that the first one she sent off was the toucan. So she said to the toucan, "Come here. Now I am going to paint you and send you off.” Then she painted each of them with white clay and red clay. After she had painted (the first one) she said now you will become the toucan. Go sing in that tree! Otherwise you may go across the sea. They say she pierced each of them. And when she pierced them (they sprung to life in their new form). The toucan took flight saying “I have cross the sea.” But taking flight they say he fell half way across. So, since he fell they say that the toucan said, "I am not going (over there).” So he stayed and from him the toucans have multiplied. The same thing with the Wishpa. And after she had (painted) all of them she said “Now you will all live in the forest.” Now you all will have to live looking for your own food. From now on your food will be different. You will no longer eat with me they say she said to those children. I can't cross the sea said the wooly monkey. I will stay here in this forest. After painting him black, (she said) now go! I am going to be left alone. He climbed up a a tree and jumped. Now speak! she said. "Tsuru! kuaa" he cried, and went off. After that she said to the spider monkey, "Come! I am going to cut your hair chiu! Like a little roof.” Now you are going to become a spider monkey. Now you are going to go off saying ‘uchuri.’” He too said "I can't cross the sea. I will die half way across.” So after painting him beautifully she said, "Now you are going to cry to me with a different sound.” She pierced him, and he went off making his cry. "Ah, ah, ah ha" he cried out has went away high above. “My child has become a spider monkey now,” (she thought to herself.) After that she sent off the capuchin monkey. ”Now you will speak a different language too," she said. And he went away crying his call. So she (had) painted the capuchin monkey in turn and sent him off. He had gone now, climbed up above to live. "Jaa, jaa, jaa, jaa, ja, ja" he cried as he became a capuchin monkey. Then she called another one, the squirrel monkey. She painted him beautifully, black around the mouth! She also painted his body beautifully white. After she had painted these children she said, "Now you will go away too. Now go!” "Now you will speak to me with a different sound. You will speak to me," they say she said and she pierced him. He went away. And as he went he cried "tsirii, tsirii, tsirii, tsirii." He went crying because he missed (loved) his mother. Well then she called another one. She called the (one who would become) the saki monkey. When she called the saki he didn’t come quickly. It wasn't a fast walker. They say that the sipuru came slowly. "Why don't you listen? Come quickly!" they say she said. It came to its mother's side. Then she fixed its hair cutely all fluffy, poor thing. After doing that she said "Now go!" You are going to be someone with a hairy face," "Now, Go!" she said and she pierced him. He went away. Now you too will have (your own) speech. And the saki monkey went crying "Jull, jull, jull, jull." He went away. After she had sent them all away the (child who would become the) tamarin monkey came. She sent the tamarin away beautifully painted. And the tamarin too went away. And his mother said, "you will cry out to your mother "Si, si, si, si.” And then (it cried), "Si, si, si, si." Now my child has become a tamarin. And so they say she called to the squirrel… "You come here.” She painted him and sent him off. You will look for fruits or nuts to eat. What hard nuts you will live eating.!” And so she sent that one away beautifully painted as well. And he too went away crying to his mother like the others. He also cried to his mother, he went crying out. She sent him completely away behind her. She called the snail. You all come. She said come and then put them “lin" inside metal shells. Now you will all go live in the water. She said "Go!" and released them into the water. And she also called the one who would become the crabs. Along time later they came saying “Mom." Where will my house keeping things be? You called me here. What will I eat? You will live looking for food in the water she said and then sent them into the water too. And the crabs went into the water. He turned into a crab. So she called the woodpecker the same way. "Hurry! Come! You are a strong guy,” they say she said. Since she called (him) the woodpecker came. After beautifully painting the one who had come she said "Now go!” "You are stronger that any one else," she said as she pierced him. And when she pierced him (he went off). Otherwise he would still be around here poor thing. The mother watched the sea from behind him (as he went) wondering if he would make it. And as she watched she saw that the woodpecker flew (moving his wings) matú, matú, matú, matú. And as she watched he landed on a dead tree stump on the other side. And as he reached the other side he cried out to his mother, “tandangar, tandangar.” I have gone. I have crossed (the sea). I want to go! I want to go! The turtle said as his mother took her time painting him. And after she had painted him beautifully she sent off the turtle. "I am going to cross (the sea),” he said just as (the woodpecker) had said. “So go!” she said and “tupú” he went down river, but he reached the other side. He became a turtle. That is what that mother did. Then after sending them all off their mother wondered "What shall I become? Now I have sent off all of my children. Now they will eat on their own if they can. She had sent them off at dawn beautifully painted. They say they had run off into the forest becoming agoutis and pacas. What a beautiful chubby little girl the one who would become the paca was. "Well I will become a paca.” "You will be a paca," daughter. You will be a nocturnal feeder. And to the agouti she said "You will feed during the day in different gardens.” And when she had said that she sent her off. So when she sent them off the paca (and the agouti) went crying, “Chiun, chiun, chiun,” because they loved their mother. So they all left. And when they had left and after she had sent them all away she asked, "Now what will become of me?" I have sent all my children away. Now who will I live with? I will live inside a hole in the earth,” the Tayag (beginning time woman) said. I will just go to look for a mountain, and as I look for a (way into) the mountain I will find a hole. And when I find it I will stay in there becoming a Tayag, someone who now lives inside the earth.” That is what they say about this. So when she was left alone she began to look, with all her heart, for this large home where she could live. And then she found a large hole, and there she sat down in the doorway and began to sing pitifully to her children. “I have sent off all my children,” she said. And as she sat crying she sang, (in the beginning time language that no one now living understands) "Tay kuata pani ñu, kichirt kaja pani ñu." Who knows where the beginning time person was from who walked by (and heard her singing this)? When he looked to see clearly, (the door closed) tulun! The Tayag had gone (inside the earth). That is what our grandmothers used to tell us. When I was a child (our grandmothers) would sit us down and talk to us long about this but I have forgotten it. And were her children listening? When the mother was sending off her children they came crying. They say that all of them came crying and said "Mom where are you sending us?” “I am sending you out into this forest to the places that are now empty where you will live. You will go speaking all of the different languages,” she said as she sent them away crying. She sent them off crying. When she had sent them all clean away and she was left alone she went to sit inside a hole (in the earth.) As they were going away crying what did they say, what did they cry? They say the mother cried too, but she said "I have raised you up to this point and no more. Now go!” They say that the mother also cried as she sent them off. So they cried, "Mama, mama!" in each of their different languages? (Yes) they say that the poor things went away crying, "Mama, mama, mama," and then perched up above. But it was not human language that came out? No. After (she had sent them) they left speaking and singing in (their) different languages. The toucan singing "wian, wian, wian.” The curassow was sent off beautifully (painted), landed on a low branch and sang. You are crying now, poor thing. Now in its (own) language, speaking a different language. The same thing happened with the nocturnal curassow. It also sang. Because it loved its mother, it cried from it heart, but it spoke in a different language. Our grandmother used to tell a lot about this but I have forgotten. This is where my story ends.
Kichwa Text
Ñuka kuintanga rauni kallari timputa ñuka apamamaguna kuintashkata.
Ñuka apamama kuintagara, Tayag apisha paynaguna mama ara
Pay mama ashka wawayukcha ara, churuwas pay wawalla, apanguras pay wawalla.
Chimanda kushilluwas pay wawalla mashti chuwas pay wawalla, chimanda machinbas pay wawalla.
Pay wawalla ashara tzawatas, pay wawalla ashara sikuangas, llambu animalguna shi payba wawa anaura.
Lumu kuchiguna ña win, win payba raygu wawa anaura, chi shi shamuichu kunganga wawaguna.
Kunan kanguna shuk partita ringa raunguichi, karan partitami kangunata kachangarauni nishashi rimara.
Chiga nijpiga wawagunaga wincha tandarinaura, witukta sumak rasha churashka
Ruyak allpata mashtisha churashka awingawa ña kachangawa
Chiga chasna rashkay shi ña wawagunaga wakasha shamunaura, mama ñukanchita maytata kachaungui.
Ñukami yachachi kangunata mayta kachana, chiga kayllay ashaga rimakpi ñaupacha kachara sikuangata.
Sikuangata nira shamuy kunanga pintasha kachashkangui.
Chiga ña ruyaj allpawan, puka allpawan, pukawan tukuyta pintashka ña
Pintashka, kunanga kanga sikuanga tukunga raungui chi ruyay cantayringui
Dinoga marda chimbay nishashi tuksira llambugunata, tuksipi, pawasha ñuka chimbana mani nij.
Pawaj chaupillay sha urman, urmara, shinashaga pay shinallata urmasha ñuka mana rishachu ni chi sikuanga.
Sakirira, chimanda sikuanga mirashka, kushillutas apisha paytas sumak wituwan armachishka
Wishpatas ña win kaygunata mashtishka washa kunanga kangunaga sachaymi tianga raunguichi.
Kangunas, kanguna mikunata tianguichi, kunan kauna mikunas chikan manga.
Mana ñukanwa mikungachu raunguichi nira chi wawagunata, chi shi nira ñuka shinashaga
Mana chimbanata ushanichu kay sachay sakirisha nira kushillu, chiga nijpi payta shinkita pintashka washa
Kunanga ringui ñuka shapallami sakiringa rauni, awata sikashka, saltashka, kunan rimay nishka.
Tsuru, kuaa shi kaparira pay, bueno chasna nishka washa ña rishka pay.
Chiwasha chubata nira shamuy kunan kay umatashi nira chiu pitisha ranchu rukuta rasha
Kunanga kanga chubami tukunga raungui, uchuri nishkashi ringa kunan kanga.
Mana, paywas nira mana ñuka marda chimbashachu ñuka chaupillays wañusha.
Shina asha sumak pintashka washa ri, kunanga shuk uyarijta rimanga raungui, kaparinwanga raungui nira shi.
Pay tuksira, tuksishkawa shi pay risha kaparishka.
Ah ah ah ha shia kaparira away risha ñuka wawa chubami tukunya.
Chiwashas machinda kachayra sumakta pintasha ña, kunangas kamba ri.
Kangunas, kambas shuk shimitami rimangarungui nishka shi, rira, rishka pay kaparirishka.
Ña machin randi sumak ña payta pintasha kachashka ña rishka, away sikasha tiashka.
jaa, jaa, jaa, jaa, ja, ja cha nira machin tukuy pasan, chi shukta kayara shamui nishka.
Mashtita barizata chitaga sumakcha pintashka shimitas yanata rurashka, sumak aychamas pintashkas.
Ruyaj wawagunwas pintashka washa kunan kambas ringami ruangui, ringui kunan.
Kan shuk uyarinktami niwanga raungui, rimanga raungui ñukta nira nirashi, tuksishka.
Rishka, risha tsirii, tsiriii, tsirii cha wakasha rira mamata llakisha, wakasha rin.
Bueno shuk randita kayashka sipuruta, sipuruta kayajpiga manashi zhas shamura, mama shinzhi purij.
Sipuru allimandashi shamura, imanashata unayangui zhas shamui nishashi kayara.
Shamushka mama larui, chitaga llakita ñakchara punzhu rukuta rashka pugrita.
Shina rasha kunan ri, kanga wilma ñabimara angui ri nishashi tuksira
Rishka, kunan kambas rimanata charingui payga jull, jull, jull, jull, jull sipuru kaparisha rin.
Rishka, chay washa ña winda kachashka chichiku randi shamushka.
Chichikuta sumak pintasha kacharishka, chichikuwas rin si, si, si, si mamata kaparingui nishka mama.
Chiga si, si, si ña ñuka wawa chichikumi tukun, chasnay shi kayara ardillata, ardillatacha kayara.
Kanga shamui pintashka kachashka, kanga muyuta maskasha ima muyu shinzhitas mikunshami kausangui.
Chitawas sumak pintashka kacharishka, chiwas chasnallata kaparishka mamataga.
Chiwas kaparishka mamata, kaparikga rin ña winda kacharishka washay.
Kayara churuta tsiririri, kanguna shamuichi, shamui nisha sumak iru kapara lin churachujguna.
Kunan kanguna yakuimi kausanguichi ri nishashi kachara yakui, yakuta.
Apangura tukunatas, apanguratas kayashka unaybishi shamura, mama nishka.
Mayma ñuka wasi kuiranaguta kan kayma kayachiwangui nishka, imatata mikusha?
Kanguna yakui maskashami mikunga raunguichi nisha, yakui kacharishkas pay, yakuta rishka apangura.
Apangura tukushka pay chasnay shi carpinterota kayara ukta shami.
Kan mangui shinzhi runa nishashi kayara, chiga kayajpi capintero shamushka.
Shamujta sumak pintashka washa, sumakta rashaga kunanga ri.
Kanga mangui tukui mundumanda shinzhi runa angui nishashi tuksira, tuksipiga manachi chayba ara pugriga.
Mamaga washallacha rikura marda chimbangachu nisha, chiga rukujpiga.
Mashtiga kay carpinteroga matu, matu, matu, matu rikuushka pullui shi.
Llutayririra chimbara payshi chimbara marda, chimbag tandangar, tandangar mamata rimaun ña rimini.
Chimbanimi nisha ñuka, ñuka, ñuka risha chitaga tzawatataga pintanaysha unayara.
Sumak pintashka washa kacharishka tzawatatara, ñuka chimbashami pay shinallata nin.
Shinashpaga ri nishka tupuu... uraytaga rishka pero apiririyracha chimbama.
Tzawata tukushka pay, chasna rashka washashi chi apamamaga.
Pay mamaga kunanga ñukaga imata tukusha winda kacharishka washa tukuitachu kacharira ña pay.
Kunan ñuka wawagunata winmi kachani ña ushasha mikununga, punzhayanata sumak armachishka kacharira.
Chigunaga sachatashi kallpanaura punzhana tukushka, lumuchata sumak rashka.
Ima wira warmi wawa chara, ima munay rikurij bueno ñukaga mas que lumucha tukushka.
Lumucha tukungui ushushi kan tutamikushami kausanguimi nirashi paytaga.
Punzhayanataga, punzhami karan chagraymi mikusha tiangui nirashi paytaga, chasna nisha kacharishka.
Kacharishkaga lumucha rin, risha ña chiun, chiun, chiun shi wakaunguna mamata llakisha.
Win rishkauna, riskay win llambuta kachashka washay shi payga nira kunaga ñukaga imata tukusha.
Ñuka wawanta winmi kachani piwanda kausasha ñukaga masga, uktu ukuy kausasha nira tayag
Rishalla ñukawas urkutashi maskara, urkuta maskashkayga atun uktutacha tupara.
Tupasha payga chaybi sakirishka ña tayag tukushka allpa ukuy kausana tukushka, chasna nij anaun chita.
Pay sapalla tuksuha chi pay shunguwan maskausha atun wasita pay tiangawan.
Chi shi ña atun uktuta tupara, chishi punguy tiarira, chishi pay cantara ñuka wawagunata llashtima.
Ñuka wawaguna winda kachani nisha wakasha tiarishka washa cantashka
Tay kuata pani ñu, kichirt kaja pani ñu.
Shi cantasha tiaushkay shi paychari maymanda runa shamunaura pay kallari timpuguna puriu an.
Alli rikuj uktukuta tulun ña pay kausangawa rishka, tayag, chita kuintag anaura ñukanchi apamamaguna.
Wawa ashkay tiachisha ashkata kuintashkata kungarishka mani ñuka
Y payna wawa uyaushkay
Wawagunaga mama kachaupiga wakasha shi shamunaura nini ña.
Winguna shi mama maymatacha kachaungui ñukanchita nisha wakasha shamunaura.
Mana ña kangunata kachaunimi kay sachay kanguna kausanga raunguichi, sachaga imawas illanmi.
Tukuy shimita rimashami ringa raunguichi nishashi kachariraga payga, wakajta, wakajtacha kachara pay.
Sumak kacharishka, paylla tukusha pay uktu ukuy tiaririshka
Payguna wakasha riushkay imara kuintaka, imara wakaka?
Payga mamawas shi wakara pero kangunta kaygamalla wuibarini nishka shi kunanga richi kanguna.
Wakasha shi mamawas kacharisha rira.
Karan shimi mama, mama wakasha
Mama, mama, mama shi wakasha pugriguna rinaura ña, away tiaririnun
Shinajllayra mana runa shimiy uyarinun
Mana, washaga payguna chikan shimita shi rimasha rinaura cantasha sikuanga ima.
Sikuanga ima wian, wian, wian, paushima sumak rasha kacharishka mashti pamba ruya umashkay shayasha.
Cantara, wakaungui pugriga ña pay shimiy shuk shimita rimaun, munditi chasnallata shi cantaun munditis.
Mamata llakiunsha pay shunguwan wakaun, pay pero shuk shimita rimaun
Ñukanchi apamama, ashkata kuintashkatami kungarishka mani ñuka.
Chigamalla man ñuka cuento.
Spanish Text
Voy a conversar los que mis abuelas contaban.
Mi abuela decía que Tayag era la mama.
Tenía muchos hijos, el caracol y el cangrejo también eran sus hijos.
De igual forma los monos también eran sus hijos.
Sus hijos eran todos los animales.
Los pecarís también eran sus hijos. Hijos vengan.
Ahora ustedes van a ir a diferentes partes, les voy a mandar.
Sus hijos se reúnen y ella tiene preparado el wituk.
También preparo una pintura blanca para pintar a sus hijos.
Los hijos llegaban llorando y preguntando a donde nos está enviando.
Yo sé a dónde le voy a enviar, el primero en ser enviado fue el tucán.
Al tucán le dice, ven te voy a mandar pintándote.
Con tierra blanca y roja le pinto.
Desde ahora tú vas a ser un tucán y cantaras en aquel árbol.
Tienes que cruzar el mar y le empujo, salto y dijo voy a cruzar.
Salto pero cayo y dijo el tucán, yo no voy a cruzar.
Se quedó y se reprodujeron los tucanes, llamo al mono kushillu al cual lo pinto con wituk.
Le pinto y dijo, desde ahora ustedes van a vivir en la selva.
Vivirán buscando su comida, cada uno tendrá una comida diferente.
La mama decía a sus hijos, ya no van a comer conmigo desde ahora.
No puedo cruzar me quiero quedar en esta selva decía el mono kushillu es ahí cuando le pinta de negreo.
Ahora vete me quedare sola, sube, salta y canta.
Luego grito tsuru, kuaa y se fue.
Luego llamo a chubata, corto su cabeza y que ancho.
Ahora tú te transformas en chuba hijo y ándate.
Y él decía no podre cruzar el mar, moriré en la mitad.
Entonces ve luego de que te pinte, ahora cantaras y hablaras diferente.
Ella le empujo y él se fue gritando.
Ah, ah, ah, ah shia grito mi hijo convertido en chuba.
Luego llamo al mono machin, le pinto y dijo ahora tú también vete.
Tu hablaras otro idioma, vete, y se fue el gritando.
Al mono machin le pinto y le mando, subió a lo alto.
jaa, jaa, jaa, jaa, ja, ja decia el mono machin y llamo a otro hijo.
Al mono barizo lo pinto bien bonito de negro la boca y todo el cuerpo.
Lo pinto de blanco y le dijo, ahora te vas, vete ahora.
Tú vas hablar de otra manera y luego le empujo.
Fue llorando tsirii, tsirii extrañando a su mama, llorando fue.
Entonces llamo a sipuru pero este no vino rápido, el no camina rápido.
Porque no vienes rápido, llego despacio el sipuru.
Vino donde la mama y la peino, la volvió en una ancianita.
Ahora vete y la empujo, serás wilma ñabi.
Tú también tienes tu forma de hablar, jull, jull, jull gritaba y se fue.
Le mando y luego llamo al mono chichiku, vino.
Al mono chichiku lo pinto bien hermoso y lo soltó y se fue, si si si si si gritando a la mama.
Mi hijo ya se transformó en un mono chichiku, de igual forma llamo a la ardilla.
Lo pinto y lo mando, tú comerás frutos y semillas duros.
Y lo pinto de igual forma y lo soltó, igualmente fue gritando a su mama.
Gritaba a su madre y se fue, luego de enviar llamo.
Llamo al caracol, vienen les puso un caparazón.
Ahora ustedes vivirán el agua y lo soltó.
Al cangrejo lo llamo y vino.
Mamá yo estoy cuidando la casa y me llamas, que comeré.
Ustedes vivirán buscando comida en el rio y los soltó, se fue el cangrejo en el agua.
Se convirtió en cangrejo y después llamo al carpintero, ven rápido.
Tú eres un hombre fuerte y ahí el carpintero se acercó.
Vino y lo pinto bien bonito, lo hiso hermoso y ahora vete.
Tú eres la persona más fuerte del mundo, lo empujo pero el ya no estaba.
La mama veía si cruzaba el mar, veía.
El carpintero matu, matu, matu y la mama veía desde un tronco.
El sí cruzo el mar y desde allá decia tandagar tandagar a su mama.
Logre cruzar decía el, yo también cruzare decía el tzwata, se demoró en pintarlo.
Soltó al tzawata luego de pintarlo, yo cruzare decía el.
Entonces ándate, tupuu... fue hacia abajo pero logro engancharse.
Se volvió tzawata el, luego de hacer eso la abuela.
Luego de soltar a todos la mama se decía y ahora que seré.
Ahora he soltado a todos mis hijos, comerán, en la mañana los soltó.
Ellos corrieron hacia la selva, se volvieron a lumucha y punzhana.
Era un niña gordita, hermosa, bueno se hiso lumucha.
Lumucha vas a ser hija, vivirás comiendo en la noche.
Por las mañanas comerás en las chacras, le dijo y la envió.
Mientras iba lloraba por su mamá, chiun, chiun, chiun..
Luego de mandar a todos ella se preguntó, en que me convertiré.
Ya he enviado a todos mis hijos con quien viviré, viviré en este huevo como tayag.
Me voy buscando una loma, encontré un hueco.
Encontró un huevo para vivir y se volvió en tayag, así contaban.
Como quedo sola ella busco una casa donde vivir.
Encontró un gran hueco, se sentó a lado y lloro por sus hijos.
He mandado a todos mis hijos lloraba y luego canto.
Hermana tay kuata, kichirt hermana.
Mientras ella cantaba pasaban por ahí personas.
Vio que venían se metido tulun al hueco y fue a vivir allá como tayag, eso me contaba mi abuela.
Cuando éramos niñas nos contaban pero yo me he olvidado.
Cuando escuchan los niños.
Los hijos mientras la mamá le enviaba lloraban.
Mamá a donde no estas enviando a nosotros, venia llorando donde ella.
A ustedes les estoy enviando para que vivan en la selva, en la selva no hay nada.
Van a hablar diferentes idiomas le decía mientras le mandaba.
Envió a todos sus hijos y se quedó sola en el hueco.
Que decían cuando ellos lloraban?
Hasta aquí le cuide decía la mamá mientras lloraba, ahora váyanse.
Llorando la mamá les mando.
Mamá, mamá decían en diversos idiomas.
Mamá, mamá decían mientras lloraban y se iban.
No, ellos se los escuchaba decir en nuestro idioma.
No, ellos hablaban otros idiomas, cantaban y hablaban.
El tucán decía wian, wian...., el paushi estaba pintado en un tronco.
Lloraban es sus idiomas incluso el mono munditi.
Lloraban en diferentes idiomas extrañando a su mamá.
Mi abuela nos contaba muchas historias pero he olvidado un poco.
Hasta aquí no más.

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