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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Panthera onca
Panthera onca
Wagra puma

Talkin About Wagra Puma
Eulodia Dagua - How My Grandfather Became a Jaguar
He was Alfonso Dagua. Alfonso Dagua. Your father's father? Yes. My father's father. When he was a child they used to have him drink jaguar herb (tea), when he was a child. And because he had drunk the jaguar herb, as he grew older a jaguar came to him in a dream and embraced him. From now on wherever you see my tracks address me as your brother. This is what the jaguar told him as he made him his brother. "Because I have dreamed this, no matter where I go (in the forest) no harm will come to me because he called me "brother." "Now that I make you my brother you are not to kill me," he said. Wherever you see my tracks you are to say, "Brother." Wherever you see that someone has killed me you are to say "Ay! they have killed my brother." Where we lived in those days there were almost no people. Then there used to be a lot of jaguars that left big tracks like this. So then wherever we were we would be afraid. So then my grandfather now this is ok. Don't be afraid. This is just where my brother has passed by he would say. So since we were children we would ask "Why so he say [it is his] brother? "Why does he say [it is his] brother? " He is my brother. Wherever he would see tracks on the beach where [a jaguar had crossed] he used to [joke] "Here is where my louse covered brother has crossed." We would ask "Why does he call you brother? Why does he call you that? Grandfather, "Why do you call that jaguar 'brother'," I would say. Well, daughter he said "I say the jaguar made me dream. Embracing (covering me as) his brother in a dream (the jaguar said) now you will call me brother. So I became a brother of the puma. So, Now when you see his tracks, he told me in a dream "Say about me "this is where my brother has gone (by)." "And also wherever you see (a jaguar) killed you are to say of me "Oh! they have killed my brother," I was caused to dream. So then when he [my grandfather] was dying, laying there sick as he was dying, he said (when he tried to speak he voice came out) "hmm hmmm hmmm" like a jaguar. So, they say he said "Hmm, hmm, hmm." They say that it was as he was making those sounds that my grandfather died. (That happened because) he had been a drinker of puma yuyu. Not just for no reason. In the old days in order that they might be strong or for whatever reason they used to be given a lot of puma yuyu to drink. Both women and men were caused to drink puma yuyu in order that they would not die quickly. Wanting that (long life) they were made to drink puma yuyu. So then if they could not die quickly (they would put) puma yuyu in their mouths and they would die. That's just how I heard it. That is what I have heard. But he was baptized right? He was baptized. But even though that was the case (the jaguar) caused him to dream. And after he died what happened? When he was dying, when his breath was running out, they say he turned into a puma saying "Hmm, hmm, hmm." No just a little, they say it was loud, when he had made this sound three times he died. We have heard this about that drink. They say that those who drink puma yuyu their souls become jaguars. That is all I have heard.
Kichwa Text
Alfonso Dahua mara. Alfonso Dahua? Kamba yayawa yaya? Ñuka yayawa yaya. Wawa ashkay puma yuyuta upichij ashkauna, pay wawa ashkay. Chi puma yuyuta upishaga pay rukuyaushaga chi pumaga, shu pumaga muskuybiga payta ña kipirisha.
"Kunanmandaga, maybi ñuka chakita rikushawas, 'Wauki!' niwangui," nishashi payta waukita rashka pumaga. Chiga chi chasna muskusha "Ñukaga maytas purigani," nishka. "Mana imas tukukchani wauki!" nishka. "Kunanga kanda waukita rani ama wanchiwanguichu ñukata," nishka. "Maybi ñuka chakita rikushawas 'Wauki" niwangui." Maybi ñukata wanchishkatagas, "Ay ñuka waukita wanchishkauna!" nisha niwangui. Shina muskuchishka. Ñukanchi tiashkama ñaupa runa casi illaj ashkayga yapa puma tiagara kasna chakirukugunay. Chiga ñukanchi manzhak magaranchi manzhak. Chiga chasnay ñuka apayayaga ña, "Alli! kayta ama manzhanguichu. Kayga ñuka waukimi rishka." nigan. Chi ñukanchi wawa ashaga ña aranchi, "Imaraygu shu wauki nin? Imarayku shu wauki nin?" "Ñuka wauki man." May pulayay chimbashkatas rikusha, 'Kay ñuka wauki pasakta chimbashka," nira. Imaraygushi ñukanchiga nin wauki nisha kasna. "Imaraygushi nin ña kanda?" Chi apayaya imarayguta wauki ningui chi pumata nirani ñuka. "Mana ushi," nira. "Ñukata puma chasna muskuchiwara," nini. "Waukita muskuybi kipirisha kasna, "Wauki" kunanga niwangui." Pero "Wauki tukurani," nira "pumawa." Chasna tukusha kunanga pay chakitas rikushas, "'Kayta ñuka wauki rishka! nisha rimawangui,' muskuchiwara," nirami. "May wanchishkatas rikushawas, 'Ñuka waukita wanchishkauna!' nisha rimawangui," muskuchishka ara. Chi pay wañushkaybi, pay ña ungusha siririsha pay wañushkay, "Hmm, hmm, hmmm, hmmm" puma shinashi nira payga ña. Shinasha, "Hmm, hmm, hmm," shi nira. Chasna nishashi ñuka apayaya wañushka an. Puma yuyuta upij. Mana yanga. Chi puma yuyu nishkata shu kallariga payna shinzhi achun sinoga pay imasna nisha. Yapa upichij aj ashkauna puma yuyuta, warmi y karita upichij ashkauna. Mana dzas wañuchun nisha. Chasna nisha upichij aj ashkanaura chi puma yuyuta, chi mana zhas wañujpi chi puma yuyuta shimima ña wañuj aj ashkauna. Chasna chitas yangas, chita kuintashkatas chasna uyaj ashkani. Pero pay shutiashka aka shinami. Pay shutiashka ara chasna ashallata pero payta chasna mushkuchishka. Y pay wañushka washa imara tukuka? Wañushkkaybi ña pay samay tukuringawa raushkaybishi payga kasna "Hmm, hmm, hmmshi," puma tukura ña. Mana kaylla shinzhitashi nira, kimsata chasnallata nin ña wañushka. Chitaga chasna upishkata uyaj anchi puma yuyuta upij shi chi pumaga chasna alma tukunaun nijta. Chita uyashka mani ya.
Spanish Text
El padre de mi padre. Cuando era un niño, solía tomar [te de] jaguar. Cuando era niño. Porque él había bebido el té de jaguar, cuando estaba viejo un jaguar vino en un sueño y lo abrazó. Desde ahora en adelante, donde veas mis pisadas, hermano! dime, dijo el puma que lo hizo su hermano. Porque soñé esto, no importa a donde iba, dijo. No daño vendrá hacia ti porque te has convertido en el hermano, dijo. Ahora que te hecho mi hermano, no me matarás, dijo. Donde sea que veas mis pisadas dirás: "Hermano". Donde sea que veas que alguien me ha matado dirás: " Ay! han matado a mi hermano" Donde vivíamos en esos días no había casi personas. Solia haber bastantes jaguares que dejaban grandes huellas. Entonces, donde quiera que estábamos teníamos miedo. Entonces mi abuelo...Bien! no tengan miedo. Mi hermano ha pasado por ahí, decía. Cuando éramos niños preguntábamos: Por qué dice hermano? Por qué dice hermano? Él es mi hermano. Donde quiera que veíamos huellas [del jaguar] en la playa. "Aquí es donde mi hermano ha cruzado cubierto de piojos", decía. Nosotros preguntábamos: "por qué él le llama hermano? Por qué le llama así? Abuelo, "por qué le llamas al jaguar, hermano?", yo preguntaba. "Bueno", decía él: "el jaguar me hizo soñar. Me abrazaba como su hermano en un sueño. Ahora llámame hermano [decía el jaguar]. Entonces me convertí en el hermano del puma" Entonces, "ahora cuando ves las huellas", me dijo en un sueño: Habla sobre mi, aquí es donde mi hermano ha ido. Donde quiera que veas [un jaguar] muerto [dirás], ellos han matado a mi hermano! me han hecho soñar. Cuando él [mi abuelo] estaba muriendo, acostado enfermo muriendo...él decía: hmmmm,hmm, hmm, hmm. Como un jaguar. Entonces, él decía: hmm, hmm, hmm. Por hacer esos sonidos, mi abuelo murió. Él tomaba te de jaguar. No sin razón. En los viejos tiempos, para que sean fuertes o por otras razones, ellos solían beber bastante té de jaguar. Ambos, mujeres y hombres les hacían tomar té de puma para que no mueran rápido. Queriendo eso [larga vida] ellos tomaban té de puma. Entonces, si ellos no podían morir rápido [les ponían] té de puma en la boca y ellos morían. Así es como yo escuché. Eso es lo que yo escuché. Pero él era bautizado, verdad? Él fue bautizado. Pero aún así [el jaguar] le hizo soñar. Y después de que murió, qué pasó? Cuando estaba muriendo, cuando su aliento se estaba acabando...ellos dijeron que se convirtió en un puma diciendo "hmm, hmmm, hmm" No solo un poquito, ellos dicen que era fuerte. Cuando había hecho el sonido 3 veces, él murió. Nosotros hemos escuchado eso acerca de la bebida. Ellos dicen que quien bebe el té de puma, sus almas se convierten en jaguar. Es todo lo que he escuchado.
Clara Santi - They Drink This Plant To Become Jaguars
Puma yuyu upina man chi raygumara mara kayta ñuka apayaya nigara puma tukungawa upina.
Kariwagunata upichina, warmiwagunata no mucho, llullujta apasha takasha upichina.
Sasichina uchu kachi mana karana, semana intiruta nijgara.
Puma shina cantasha pringada pumatukungawa, upinaun ansallata.
Ishkay chushku kuti upinan migara ñuka apayaya, puma tukungawa.
Wañusha, ña wañungarausha puma tukusha may almawan puriun chiwas tristecharan.
Triste man chiwas purina puma tukushun nisha maygunatas purina.
Shinasha kayguna mana vallinzhu yapa pena man kay runa, ña rukuyaupi ña pay may urkugunay cantasha puriun.
Chasna nigara ñuka apayaya, sau upiyna man kay puma tukungaj ursayuj tukungaj.
Kay aparingamiraun mashti shina, kay wawaguna ishpasha wañuupi, kay sapita takasha yanusha upichina.
Kay chi ratu chiu sakirin, garatuy ishpajpi, chi mandaga kay puma yuyu an.
Kayga kaytupuwata aparingaraun, kasna kay tupuwata aparingaraun kay tupuwata, kasna, kasna, kasna tuputa.
Chi lisan papaj, isaj papaj shina kayga aparijmaun chimandami pay wiñangaraun ashka semilla surkurin.
Payga ashkata aparin gustuta mishki sallata puka man, puka.
Chi puka chari mas remedio gaun, puka, chita ñuka apayaya tandasha apasha rij gara.
Wawagunata upichingawa, shinarasha yanusha upichigara, chi ambirin.
Luisa Cadena - Algudon Puma the Cotton Jaguar
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