Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Co and switch reference suffixes -sha/kpi (Quizlet)
Constructing sentences with -sha / -kpi
-sha/-kpi as if/then with nina (If you say/want...)
-sha/-kpi as if/then with past tense conditional (If you had I would have).
-sha/-kpi in temporally sequenced actions
-sha simultaneous actions- (adverbial)
-sha/-kpi because (when one verb is the cause of the other)
-sha/-kpi combined with future tense verbs
-sha/-kpi combined with past tense verbs
-sha in polite imperative construction (dame haciendo)
-sha as exaggeration -nsha (pastaza -shá)​
Weather phrases with -sha and pagarina
Future Tense
Exercise with the future tense -nga rauna
Module 5 Learning Resources