Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Module 2 Overview
During the second week you will learn:
to ask information questions such as what, where, when, who (ima, imasna -ra, -pi, -may);
to be able to talk about space and time using the directional suffixes -ma, -manda, -gama, -wa.
to use the verbal suffixes -chi, -ri, and -mu
to use an additional 50 high frequency words increasing your vocabulary repertoire to 100.
In doing so you will also make progress in certain life skill areas included in the USDE FLAS language goals. These include:
Asking and giving directions
Participating in a multilateral conversation
Learning to talk about the weather in order to increase social interaction.
On Thursday a link to test Test 2 will open. Please download the test, take it and send it to your instructor by Friday morning.
Learning Resources for Module 2
Lesson 9: Suffixes of instrumentality, accompaniment and the imperatives​
Lesson 10: Suffixes of Togetherness, Separateness, and Exclusivity
Lesson 11: Purpose, directionality, duration, color
Lesson 12: Attribution, location, past tense
Exercise: Supply the appropriate question with ima or may for answers with -ma and -manda (Quizlet)
Possessives with nouns (Quizlet)
Possessive + object marker in the sense of for_X_
Vocabulary 2
Continue to Week 3
Back to Week 1