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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Scientific name
Eulodia Dagua - Ceramic sculpture evokes the sound of the chambira anga
What is that bird?
I made this anga. It's a chambira anga
Chambira anga
Mm! It is a chambira anga that says "Aou, Aou." That is the chambira anga. [You can say it again] Amm! opening (his mouth) he says "Aou" that's why his mouth is wide open. Look.
"Aou" He says "Aou." Shout loudly, “Aou, Auo!" shouts the chambira anga. That's me...
So, A person who knows and sees that (figure) will think... [Yes], he will remember [then he will
This, That chambira anga, our grandparents said that he passes by screaming when death comes.
Already. you can tell about it. grandfather said if you say "Aou, Aou", these people, this one, will scare away (scare away) that
demon that is coming.
This...When the devil comes to hurt us, if he sings like this he will keep him away. That's how they counted. Counting that is that I worked (did) this. Saying it drives away the demon
He thus shouts "Aou, Aou" like a person. Then scare away (the demon) my dad said. The elders said that it scares away the devil.
That's why I made it like this, making the big mouth "tzan".
According to you, a... what do I know, a person (man) from cinnamon or a woman from cinnamon will know as...
Yes, them, me. They don't know, I know that sculpture. It is knowledge. A aw
So. I said "This is a chambira anga that scares away the devil." A aw.
But someone, who knows, who knows that Anga. Seeing that, he's going to think that... [Yes! a chambira anga]
"You have created an anga that scares away the devil" that is what those who know will say. Those who do not know, will not know.
Kichwa Text
¿Ima pishku an chi?
Kay angata ñuka tarabarani. Chambira anga man.
Chambira anga.
Mm! chambira anga chi "Aou, Aou" tuta nigan. Chi man chambira angata. [Kuti rimay] Amm! paskasha, "aou" nigan, chiwaraygu shimita amm! paskachishkawta rikuy.
"Aou" "Aou!" nigan. Hatunda kaparinga "Aou, Aou!" kaparigan chambira anga. Chita ñuka...
Shinakpi, shuk riksik runa chita rikusha pay pinzaringa [nda], iyaringa [yuraringa chiga]
Mashti, chi chambira angata ñukanchi yayaguna niganawra wañuy shamukpishi kaparigan...
Ña. Kuintay chimanda.
Ñukan...ñuka yaya nigara chasna "Aou, Aou" nishaga, mashti runata, mashti, chi supay shamukta kallpachin nigara.
Mashti... Supay ñukanchita dañota rangak shamuk kasa kaparisha kallpachin nishami kuintagaray. Chitami ñuka kaytaga tarabarani chasna nisha. Aou supayta kallpachik nisha.
Chi payta chasna "Aou, Aou" runa shina kaparigan. Chaiga kallpachin nigara ñuka yaya, supayta kallpachin nisha. Rukuguna niganawn nisha.
Chi raygu ñuka chasna tarabarani, kasna shimirukuta tzan rasha.
Kan rikukpi shuk... imachari, shuk canelos runa o canelos warmi yachanga imasnara...
Ndaya, payna, ñuka. Payna mana yachanunzhu, ñuka chi awaga yachawni. Chi yachakga. A aw.
Chiga, ñuka nirani "Kay chambira anga man, supayta kallpachik" nirani. A aw.
Pero shuk imachari, chi anga riksik. Payta chita rikusha, pay iyaringa chi... [nda! chambira anga]
"Kaytaga kanga supayta kallpachik awashkangi" chi yachaka niwnguna. Mana yachaka, mana yachanchichu.
Spanish Text
¿Cuál es ese pájaro?
Yo hice esta anga. Es un chambira anga
Chambira anga
Mm! es un chambira anga que dice "Aou, Aou". Ese es el chambira anga. [Puedes decirlo otra vez] Amm! abriendo (su boca) dice "Aou" por eso tiene la boca muy abierta. Mira. "Aou"
Dice "Aou". Grita fuerte, "Aou, Auo!" grita el chambira anga. Eso yo...
Entonces, Una persona que sabe y ve esa (figura) va a pensar... [Sí], recordará [entonces recordará]
Este, Ese chambira anga, nuestros abuelos decía que pasa gritando cuando viene la muerte.
Ya. puedes contar sobre eso.
Nuestro...mi abuelo dijo si dice "Aou, Aou", este las personas, este, va a alejar (espantar) a ese demonio que viene.
Este...Cuando el demonio viene a hacernos daño, si canta así va a alejarlo. Así contaban. Contando eso es que yo trabajé (hice) esto. Diciendo que aleja al demonio.
Él grita así "Aou, Aou" como una persona. Entonces espanta ( al demonio) decía mi papá. Los ancianos decían que espanta al demonio.
Por eso yo lo elaboré así, Haciendo así "tzan" la boca grande.
Según tú, una... qué sé, una persona (hombre) de canelos o una mujer de canelos sabrá como...
Sí, ellos, yo. Ellos no saben, yo conozco esa escultura. Es conocimiento. A aw
Entonces. Yo dijo "Este es un chambira anga que espanta al demonio". A aw.
Pero alguien, qué se, que conoce a ese anga. Él viendo eso, él va a pensar que... [Sí! un chambira anga]
"Tú has elaborado un anga que espanta al demonio" eso dirán los que saben. Los que no conocen, no sabrán.

Photo by: © Antonio Amaral
Strix huhula
Black-banded owl
Lechuza negra
Pukungu anga
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