Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Our Team
Our team is a network that includes our staff, a younger advisory board, a group of elders whose wisdom informs us and international scholars who collaborate in teaching and research.
Ayllu Muntun-Minga Style of Collectively working among kichwa relatives and extended indigenous relatives. As nature does, Iyarina functions through a network of family relations and friendships.
Within 'our team' you'll meet our Family & Friends Staff consisting of our founding members, paid indigenous interns, university faculty, researchers, indigenous knowledge carriers and storytellers.
Iyarina President, Elizabeth Swanson Andi is a Napo Kichwa communicator, story teller, film maker and community organizer. Iyarina is located in her home community. Elizabeth is fluent in Kichwa, Spanish and English and a degree in Geography from Arizona State University. She sees herself as a bridge to facilitate learning between her community and the broader world.