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Gustavia longifolia




Allyan Pasu

When it flowers in November and December the tree gives off a startlingly attractive perfume. After the flowers fall to the ground pacas (and perhaps other animals) come to eat them. The attractive aroma of the Pasu flower was attributed to a spirit man inside the tree who has prodigiuos powers of attraction. A young woman could acquire some of the attractive power of the Pasu Flower by entering into a relationship with the Pasu Spirit Man inside the tree. By becoming the wife or lover of the Pasu Man she became the Pasu Spirit Woman who radiated the attractive power and aroma of the Pasu. What follows is a kind of love song to the Pasu man sung by a woman for the purpose of attaining this attractive power. The flowers are followed by an edible fruit the size of a large apple. The appearance of the fruit is thought to be reminiscent of the head of a penis that has become so swollen that it cannot emerge from the foreskin. For this reason, according to Runa yachai (runa custom or belief), men who were fathers of young boys should not eat the fruit less the head of their son’s penis become swollen and unable to emerge from the foreskin.

Talking about Allyan Pasu

Bélgica Dagua - Pasu Spirit Woman Gardening Song

In Western thinking we tend to make a strong distinction between cultivated fields or gardens and wild areas in amazonian thinking there really isn't a distinction like that because the forest is managed by spirit people it's their garden they manage the animals inside the mountains inside the hills they have the different kinds of animals peccary dear inside their Corral's and they let them out for people to hunt in certain measured quantities and so a space like this is imagined to be a garden a woman's garden even though it's not a human woman's garden it's still a garden that's managed with the same kind of singing as a human woman would manage her garden even though manioc garden generally grow one could grow them one would imagine was simply scientific technology for buna and shwat women a manioc garden grows with a lot of singing and the ritual activity and thought that involves thinking about analogies between the plants are between the plants and family between the woman's body and chaotica this singing to the to the garden and singing to the land increases the affinity between the plants and the earth and the woman brings him into a kind of relationship where the plants grow and these songs are songs that women would sing alone in her manioc garden and we probably learn from her mother or grandmother out when she was walking alone following her mother in in the Chaka songs that probably men wouldn't usually here or that other women wouldn't even really here because they're usually sung alone Kichwa Text Pasu supay warmiga, Chagraybilla, chagraybi. Kanlla munashagaya paktarisha rikusha, Shukuti muyu rishawa. Rikunguimi, rikungui, Kanlla munashagaya. Rikupilla, rikupi kiwas illagmi yari, Wiñashkalla angaya Ñuka chagraybigaya pasu supay warmilla, Tarpushkaybi, tarpushkay. Tuturalla shinami sarawaslla wiñanga, chinda iskinaybilla rikujpiga tarpushka. Kumal lashlla lanza, lanza aparishka mangaya, kanlla munashagaya kuti shu kutinguiwa. Rikunata munasha, rikupi karan parti, Chusku parti rikupi shu, ishki lumullamiya. Wiñashkalla shayaunga kanlla munashagaya, paktarisha rikungui, paktarisha rikungui. Mana imas kiwawas tiangachu, ñukalla pasu supay warmiwa chagraybiga, chagraybi. Kanlla munashagaya kasna, kasna bailangui, kasna, kasna bailasha mana ima tawasya. Tupanguichu, tupangui. Shina cantanaran.

Song to Pasu Runa" by Clara Santi Grefa

1. The Pasu Man is the Pasu Tree 2. The same one who stands bathing in the [smell/taste] of the Pasu [flower/fruit] 3. Seeing him I take him by the arm. Splitting open his fruit I stand bathing in his oil. 4. Taking the Pasu man in his oil, I am the woman who stands bathing herself in the fragrance of the Pasu flower. 5. Remembering and reflecting everything Clara Santi bathes herself with his Pasu oil. 6. If he loves me I will bathe myself with the the heavy fragrance of pure pasu. 7. When I had not bathed [my body with his fruit] then Pasu Spirit Man gathering [his fruits] gave them to his woman, the beloved orphan (waccha), saying “Go and take these [fruits] with you.” 8. I am the woman who stands blowing the pasu fruit on every path running to stand on the Pasu hill. 9. If the Pasu Men love me I will take them from there to my house. 10. If he does not love me then I am the woman who stands full of sadness just seeing his face. 11. Pasu Flower Woman, Pasu Flower Woman I am the woman who stands smelling the Pasu flower. 12. [I am a] strong Santi woman 13. Who can defeat me? 14. I am the woman who stands hitting harder than anyone 15. When I take Pasu man, take him to the big town 16 When I carry Pasu, carry him in my ashanga (basket), 17 Then, from behind he moves my head 18. I am the woman who stands throwing (swinging) my hair back and forth. 19. That is all I am going to sing. 20. I am the woman who stands falling in love with the Pasu Sprit Man. 21. I will eat that. Splitting the Pasu open I will eat it. 22. Now I will bathe don Tomas in Pasu oil. 23. I am the woman who stands quieting/taming him by bathing him in its oil 1. Pasu runawa, pasumi gan. 2. Pasullata armarishaga shayak runata 3. Rikushalla paiga rigrai apisha 4.Pasu muyuwa partisha paibaj wirawan armachisha shayauni Paibaj irai apisha pasu runata Pasu sisawan asnaklla armachisha shayak warmima ani 5. Clara Santiga tukuita yuyarisha paiwaj pasu wirawan armachisha 6. Pasulla asnaklla armachisha pay ñukata munakpiga. 7. Mana armachinada Munak wajchada pasu supay runada pai pallasha ñukataga apasha ri nisha kushka warmi 8. Mai ñawi [ñambi?]Pasu muyuta pukuchisha Pasu lumai shayarisha kalpasha shayak warmimaani 9. Chaimandami pasukuna munasha ñukatalla Apasha ñuka wasi 10. Mana munasha paibaj, paibaj ñawita rikushalla llakirisha shayak warmima ani 11. Pasu Sisa Warmiga, Pasu Sisa Warmiga Pasu sisaita asnarisha shayak warmima ani 12. Santi warmi supaiga, 13. Pitak ñukata vinciwan vay 14. Pasakta waktasha shayak warmita 15. Pasu runa apasha jatun llakta apasha 16. Pasuta apachisha, ashangay apachisha 17. Washamanda pasu, uma muyuwan 18. Shitashalla shayaushka warmima ani 19. Chaillatami cantani 20. Pasu supai runata Enamorasha shayak warmima gani 21. Chaita mikusha pasuta pakisha mikusha 22. Don Tomasta kunanga pasu wiran armachisha 23. Paibak wirallawan armachishami upayachisha shayak warmima ani Pasu supai warmiga




Sponsored by Title VI National Resource Centers at University of Wisconsin Madison, the University of Florida, Florida International University, the University of Pittsburgh, and Brigham Young University.

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